DAY 1 - August 9th, 2022

8:00am Registration & Breakfast

8:30am Introduction & Kickoff (Dr. Kevin Walsh, Summit Chair, Dr. Shamus McNamara, Technical Chair, & Dr. Kevin Gardner, EVPRI-UofL)

9:00am Keynote Presentation: “Three Dimensional Mesostructures - from Neural Interfaces to Electronic Microfliers” by Prof. John Rogers

10:00am Parallel Presentations: Micro/Nano Technologies (3 Presentations) & Additive Manufacturing Technologies (3 Presentations)

11:00am Break

12:10pm Lunch

1:20pm Keynote Presentation: Micro/Nano/MEMS Entrepreneurship by Dr. Kurt Petersen

2:30pm Parallel Presentations: Materials for Micro/Nano (3 presentations) & Materials for Additive Manufacturing (3 presentations)

3:30pm Break

3:40pm Parallel Presentations: Micro/Nano Applications (3 presentations) & Additive Manufacturing Applications (3 presentations)

4:40pm Reception and Poster Session

5:45pm Tours to Manufacturing Core Facilities

6:45pm Adjourn

DAY 2 - August 10th, 2022

8:00am Registration & Breakfast

8:30am Introduction (Dr. Kevin Walsh, Summit Chair, Dr. Shamus McNamara, Technical Chair, Dr. Larry Goldberg, NSF Program Manager & Dr. Oliver Brand, NNCI Director)

9:00am Keynote Presentation: “The Role of Additive Manufacturing in the Medical Field, Today and in the Future” by Dr. Ola Harrysson.

10:00am Parallel Presentations: Nano/Am Convergence Part 1 (3 presentations) & MEMS Technologies (3 presentations)

11:00am Break

11:10am Parallel Presentations: Nano/Am Convergence Part 2 (3 presentations) & MEMS Applications (3 presentations)

12:10pm Lunch

1:20pm Keynote Presentation: Nanomanufacturing Research and Advanced Manufacturing at NSF” by Dr. Khershed P. Cooper.

2:30pm Parallel Presentations: Biotechnology (4 presentations) & Health Care (4 presentations)

3:50pm Career Panel: Nanotechnology and Additive Manufacturing Opportunities in Industry, Government, Entrepreneurship, Academia, and National Labs.

4:15pm Optional/Additional Tours of Manufacturing Facilities

5:00pm Adjourn

2022 NNCI Nano + AM Summit Keynote Speakers: